Friday, May 31, 2013

There is an opportunity to generate some funds to support the management of the Almost Amish Green Practice Projects. 

I will pursue this and see how many of our Project Champions want to run a program under their chosen category.  The funds raised would cover expenses like Expo Booth fees, printing, design, online services, staff to organize, do outreach and track these programs that raise awareness and get more participants to build more simplicity and green agreement in the world.

Obviously, this is intended to get many of our St C's parishioners involved but to also reach out to numerous communities throughout DC, the Metro area, Chesapeake Watershed, U.S. and globally.

One suggestion the arose as recently as last Sunday was to do an "All Fired Up" event where we bring clay mugs to and Expo booth to be painted and designed with Environment, Social Justice and Interfaith themes - once painted - they'd be "Fired" and then dropped at St C's or another "Zero Waste" project site for coffee hour with a personal touch and message.

Some of the Expo's we may attend would be GreenLivingDC Expo at University of the District of Columbia Fall 2013, GreenFestDC Sept 21-22, 2013 at the Washington Convention Center and then Heath & Fitness Expo Green Pavilion on Jan 11-12, 2014 at the Washington Convention Center - many other types of events and programming to do outreach.

Of course, guidelines, ideas/suggestions, and reminders would be sent to leaders to keep projects on track and set goals, etc.

Your thoughts?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Chapter 10 Faith - for the 3rd plus time reading this chapter I have still come away with "We are lent all that is in our life by God" and "from dust we come and also return" it is His but for our temporary use and to respect and embrace the good and the bad with this in mind.  Nothing precludes this, not wealth, not fame, not heritage - but the more you have in any of these earthly ways the more temptation and ease it is to sway from this basic principle.  Your thoughts on Chapter 10?
Chapter 9, Family.  I am from a big family, 9 brothers and sisters, 33+ nephews and nieces and 'great' nephews and nieces. I've spent my youth up to age 25 around massive amounts of love, life, and family - changing diapers at the age of 6 on.... and attribute my comfort with people to these experiences.  But I see I have broken every rule Nancy recommends and that is staying in close proximity to family, having meals with family, helping family when in need and making my community and family one - how about you?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Community is Chapter 8 and your next question - In the St John's "Hope & Sustainability Conference" we went to last week - on the 2nd day - there were 3 questions related to community that I did not feel were answered effectively - 1) How does social networking effect community 2) We have a Vestry member that does not believe in environment, drives a Hummer and does not care, what do we do? 3) How did the congressman get elected that wasn't favorable to environmental concerns?  For all 3 I say, community is about building agreement - and electing the leadership that reflects the consciousness of that community - so what we do, the responsibility we feel to get Green people in positions of responsibility and leadership is key to our future. But most of all - raising awareness of others in the world - and starting with your community who empower change and vote for our leaders.  Your thoughts?  (PLEASE USE THE COMMENT BUTTON when answering Q's for each Blog Post.)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Imagine we're sitting in Room 205 for class in St C's we're opening class and the first Q I ask is to go around the table - Say your name, church and "How you feel "SECURITY" interplays with your health, the environment, simplicity, sustainability...... any or all of those things" Three sentences or less.....