Monday, May 6, 2013

Community is Chapter 8 and your next question - In the St John's "Hope & Sustainability Conference" we went to last week - on the 2nd day - there were 3 questions related to community that I did not feel were answered effectively - 1) How does social networking effect community 2) We have a Vestry member that does not believe in environment, drives a Hummer and does not care, what do we do? 3) How did the congressman get elected that wasn't favorable to environmental concerns?  For all 3 I say, community is about building agreement - and electing the leadership that reflects the consciousness of that community - so what we do, the responsibility we feel to get Green people in positions of responsibility and leadership is key to our future. But most of all - raising awareness of others in the world - and starting with your community who empower change and vote for our leaders.  Your thoughts?  (PLEASE USE THE COMMENT BUTTON when answering Q's for each Blog Post.)

1 comment:

  1. #1 & #2: Social networking can serve as crowd sourced pressure/inspiration for the owner of a Hummer to make a change. Celebrity endorsements shared via social media are powerful too.

    #3: Voters could be categorized as the ideologues and the pragmatics (we categorize the members this way). So, some people will chose their battles and this may never change. On the other hand, perhaps there could have been more public outreach and education tying the environmental issues to the candidate?
