Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Imagine we're sitting in Room 205 for class in St C's we're opening class and the first Q I ask is to go around the table - Say your name, church and "How you feel "SECURITY" interplays with your health, the environment, simplicity, sustainability...... any or all of those things" Three sentences or less.....


  1. Food and Water security comes to mind first and seems the most obvious. In this sensitive time in humankind the inefficiency of food production, the lobbying by big business, emanation of disinformation, we could lose what we take for granted basic food and water. I think without a rapid shift in consciousnesses toward more responsible and authentic vs less consuming/materialistic conduct - we may fall to natural dehabitation (is that a word?).

  2. I'm thinking about the opposite of food security - food insecurity - defined by the USDA as, “a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food." I would like to see a liberal definition of "adequate" to include "safe," "local," etc. so that gov't solutions are holistic and support an entire community over the long term. So, when I think about security, I guess I think about policy.
